Network & Email Security Solutions

Stabilize Your Business’ Security

Have you thought about how valuable your data is? Doesn’t have to be financial or confidential information – think of how much damage a cybercriminal could do with access to passwords and client information to commit identity theft. Our Network & Email Security locks down your systems so you can’t be exploited.

  • Vulnerability assessments to find any weak points that could be exploited by hackers, and help us know where you need improved security.
  • Email and network security protocols like anti-spam, anti-virus, firewalls, password settings, and user authentication.
  • 24/7 remote monitoring to scan your systems looking for potential problems and alert us so we can take care of it.

CD’s IT Consulting stands ready to STABILIZE the security of the technology your Indianapolis business relies upon. Read on to learn more, or contact us today at (317) 522-1362 or to talk about how we can safeguard your defenses against cybercrime.

Vulnerability Assessments to Strengthen Your Defenses

To make sure you can’t be exploited by cybercriminals, we’ve got to know where you might be vulnerable. We’ll do a thorough analysis of your security, looking for any holes in your defenses, and then applying proven products and protocols to fix those vulnerabilities.

  • Network & Email Security: Implementation of the right security settings, products, and password management to protect your vital systems.
  • Scanning & Monitoring: Constant monitoring and regular scans to check for existing problems and watch out for incoming issues, so they can be immediately dealt with.
  • Systems Upgrades: Regular installation of updates and upgrades to your existing systems so there are no backdoors that can be exploited.

Improving How You Use Your Systems

Beyond just looking for vulnerabilities and patching your weak points, we’ll also teach you to use your systems better, for safer service and higher productivity.

  • Email Syncing: Synchronization of your email services across devices, making it easy to find emails no matter where you originally read them.
  • Backups: Ensuring your email and networks are easily and securely accessible from anywhere you can go online (office, home, or via a mobile device on the go), and they’ll be safe from any disaster that could affect your office equipment.
  • Education: Tips and tricks to help you better use your systems with security in mind. Guidance on tell-tale signs of hacking or phishing attempts, and demonstrations of safe Internet browsing to avoid accidentally allowing malware into your systems.

CD’s IT Consulting is all about strategic thinking when it comes to IT for Indianapolis businesses. We’re ready to help you change the way you think about how technology affects your productivity, effectiveness, and bottom line.

Make us prove it. Contact us today at (317) 522-1362 or to schedule a no-obligation review of your business systems and see how different it can be.

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